3 Year Old
We run an indoor/outdoor program where children have the opportunity to choose where they feel like playing and extending their skills.
We have an amazing outdoor area with a range of equipment to extend children’s gross motor skills. Our mud patch area is designed for children to explore awareness of the senses and develop their social and emotional skills. This also includes turn taking, leading and following directions.
Children are encouraged to participate in shared group times and daily routines.
We strongly believe that all children have the right to inclusion and equitable opportunities.
We encourage parents to give their feedback on our program and contribute towards it during parent help times.
Storypark and Portfolios:
At Wahroonga, we use the online learning programme “Storypark” to document children’s learning and experiences to support partnerships with family.
All Wombat children will take home a portfolio at the end of the year, which will contain of their individual/ group photos, their artwork and if they decide to document a special event or a piece of their artwork.

