Our Committee
of Management
The Committee of Management is an essential part of operating Wahroonga Pre School. It is a rewarding and insightful opportunity for parents to have direct input into the running of our kinder. Being on the committee is a great way to get involved, meet other families and have a deeper connection to the kinder community and educators.
The Committee is elected (for the following year) at the Annual General Meeting which is held each November.
The Committee’s role includes governance of the kinder, financial management, maintenance, recruiting and providing support and assistance to staff, as well as organising social and fundraising events.
Two meetings are held per term and are open to all parents. Your attendance and involvement on the Committee will help ensure the best possible outcomes for the children and the provision of a safe, inviting environment for all. Without the Committee to govern the kindergarten, we are unable to provide kindergarten to our wonderful community.
Below you’ll find a helpful summary of the roles that you may want to volunteer for while your child is attending our kindergarten. If you would like to find out more or you’d like to volunteer for one of the below positions, please contact us by clicking the contact us button.

PRESIDENT (Executive Member)
Email: president@wahroongapreschool.com
- Responsible for the management of the preschool on behalf of the approved provider
- Chair and facilitate committee meetings and AGM
- Coordinate the committee and staff roles, ensuring all work is shared equally
- Act as official spokesperson for the committee, including signatory for outgoing correspondence
- Oversees compliance with legal requirements and funding criteria
- Communicates with council regarding lease
- Follow checklist to ensure that the preschool meets the requirements of: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development; ACECQA’s National Framework; The Wahroonga Preschool Association’s Constitution
- Co-signatory on the bank account, over sees account with treasurer
VICE PRESIDENT (Executive Member)
Email: vicepresident@wahroongapreschool.com
- Assists the president as required and chairs meetings in absence of president
- Co-ordinates staff and committee members in preparing for the AGM and Open Day
- Attends themselves, or assigns another committee member in their absence, to quarterly meetings with Banyule Kindergarten Network to discuss matters relating to preschools in the municipality.
- Co-ordinates annual OHS inspection of the kindergarten
- Co-signatory on the bank account
TREASURER (Executive Member)
Email: treasurer@wahroongapreschool.com
- Presents and explains monthly financial reports to the committee and the annual financial report at the AGM, prepared in conjunction with the bookkeeper and auditor
- Approves expenditure
- Liaises closely with the (external) bookkeeper in relation to: the maintenance of accurate financial accounts; the preparation of Business Activity Statements; managing income and expenses including issuing invoices and receipts, banking, payroll, payment of suppliers, management of petty cash, annual budget, Consumer Affairs requirements, checking fees are sent and paid, payment of all accounts/invoices, DET requirements.
- Co-signatory on the bank account.
SECRETARY (Executive Member)
Email: secretary@wahroongapreschool.com
- Assists the president in chairing meetings, prepares the agenda and takes and distributes minutes
- Maintain files and records for the preschool including incorporation rules, constitution, policies, minutes, emergency management plan etc
- Drafts and distributes any letters required for committee business
- Collects, opens, records and distributes all incoming mail and ensures correspondence is filed properly
- Organises and collates results of annual parent satisfaction survey
- Prepares information packs for new committee members including confidentiality forms
- Ensure the executive members maintain an up to date working with children and police check
Email: hr@wahroongapreschool.com
- Acts as the committee point of contact for staff
- Help schedule annual staff performance appraisals in consultation with the Executive Committee.
- Assist staff with professional development plans / opportunities in consultation with committee
- Liaise with the bookkeeper to sign off fortnightly time sheets, including monitoring annual leave, sick leave, long service leave, etc
- Ensure any contract change letters are drafted (signed off by Exec Committee), and confidential employment records are kept for each employee.
- Organise relief teaching as the need arises – assisted by executive committee and bookkeeper
GRANTS OFFICER (General Member)
Email: grants@wahroongapreschool.com
- Liaise with staff, committee and bookkeeper to determine areas which would most benefit from grant funding
- Apply for relevant grants by due date, follow up any applications and administer successful grants
- Acquit grants by the due date
IT OFFICER (General Member)
- Maintain kinder website and all kinder communications- telephone, internet, email etc
- Keep committee informed of any issues in relation to IT
Email: maintenance@wahroongapreschool.com
- Responsible for the maintenance of the building and grounds in liaison with staff, committee and council
- Organise gardening roster and working bee with plan of works
- Organise repairs and/or replacement of equipment as directed by the committee and staff
- Liaise with bookkeeper regarding maintenance levy return when required
FUNDRAISING CO-ORDINATOR / TEAM (2 -3 General Committee members)
Email: fundraising@wahroongapreschool.com
- Works together to arrange a calendar of events for fundraising activities (at least one per term)
- Liaise with events team to co-ordinate fundraising and events calendar where applicable
- Operates a cashless kindergarten where possible, all money collected is to go through the bank funds using direct debit. If not possible collects and banks money raised (both members to be present for the counting of collected funds)
- Maintains records of all fundraising financial transactions
- Report to committee on plans/progress/funds of fundraising activities and informs publicity of events
EVENTS CO-ORDINATOR / TEAM (2 General Committee members)
Email: events@wahroongapreschool.com
- Works together to arrange a calendar of events for social activities (at least one per term)
- Liaise with fundraising team to co-ordinate events and fundraising calendar where applicable
- Operates a cashless kindergarten where possible, all money collected is to go through the bank funds using direct debit. If not possible collects and banks money raised (both members to be present for the counting of collected funds)
- Maintains records of all event financial transactions
- Report to committee on plans/progress/funds of social activities and informs publicity of events
- Produce kindergarten newsletters with input from staff and president (minimum of 1 per term)
- Seek opportunities for advertising of the kindergarten (school newsletters, local events, etc)
- Liaise with council and local real estate’s regarding sign board advertising
- Update FaceBook on a regular basis (weekly) with input from staff and committee
- Co-ordinate distribution of catalogues, book club and uniform order and sales
- Liaise with teaching staff regarding use of catalogue rewards
- Maintain records of sales and liaise with treasurer/bookkeeper
- Attend committee meetings and provide support to other roles as required