Register to Enrol
While you are undergoing the process in registering to enrol at Wahroonga Pre School, we invite you to tour our beautiful kindergarten and meet our wonderful educators. To arrange, please call us on (03) 9434 6089 or use our email contact form, click here.
To register to enrol at Wahroonga Pre School, please click the link button below. This link will take you to the Banyule Council website, who manages the registration for both 3 and 4 year old kinder.
On this page is the step by step process of how to create an enrolment application portal, where you’ll be required to set up a user account and password. Once this is complete you’ll be able to do all of the following online:
- Register your child
- Change your kindergarten preference
- Respond to your kindergarten offer
- Update your details
Registrations for 2026 open 3 March 2025.
Free Kinder
Wahroonga Pre School has opted into the new Victorian Government Free Kinder. This means that your child’s kinder is fully funded by the Victorian Government and you have no mandatory out of pocket parent fees. This means we will not charge you any fees or levies.
Voluntary Donations
We ask that you consider making a voluntary donation to Wahroonga Pre School’s Maintenance Fund and Fundraising Fund.
We have additional costs of running Wahroonga Pre School that are not covered by Government Funding, like gardening and maintenance. These are critical functions to ensure we continue to support our high-quality program with fantastic indoor and outdoor spaces and items for your Wahroonga children.
We are also aware that families have different circumstances and may or may not be able to volunteer time or support fundraising activities throughout the year. You can choose to support Wahroonga’s fundraising efforts now, which frees you up from participating in fundraising activities throughout the year if you don’t want to.
Fundraising helps us invest more into our children’s programs like booking more incursions eg. Rhythm Joe Drumming, purchasing fantastic new items eg. weighted sensory toys for our Calming Corner, and updating items eg. replacing books. To understand further how fundraising supports Wahroonga Pre School, please contact us and we’re happy to elaborate.
If you haven’t already seen our fantastic MudPit with the bright blue hand water pump, check out photos on our photos below. Our MudPit was fully funded in 2022 by Wahroonga fundraising efforts over a few years. This is an example of the wonderful projects we collaborate on as a Wahroonga community, Committee and staffing group. It’s these types of investments that improve our kinder spaces and create exciting play spaces for our current and future Wahroonga children to explore and enjoy!
Registrations open in the March preceding the year your child will attend kinder.
Please Note:
To be eligible to commence kinder your child must be 3 years old by 30 April in the year they commence 3 Year Old kinder, or 4 years old by 30 April in the year they commence 4 Year Old kinder. There is no second year of funded 3 year old kinder available.
As every child is different, we encourage you to carefully consider the year your child commences 3-year-old kindergarten as this may have an impact on the year they commence school.
Term Dates 2025
The Preschool follows the same term dates as Victorian State Primary Schools.
Term 1: 28 January – 4 April
Term 2: 22 April – 4 July
Term 3: 21 July – 19 September
Term 4: 6 October – 19 December
The first and last days of the pre school year are child free days used by the staff for the purpose of preparation and planning. Please refer to your orientation documents for more information on these dates, as well as transition days that may impact on these dates at the beginning of the year.
The kindergarten will be closed on public holidays.