Excursions and Incursions
At Wahroonga Pre School we strive to embrace strong community connections that we have nurtured and developed over time. There is mounting evidence that indicates the importance of community connections to children’s health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that children who feel more connected and have a strong sense of belonging to their communities are more likely to develop a positive sense of self and a strong identity.
During the year the educators reflect this research and enhance the educational program by welcoming educational visitors into the kindergarten (incursions) and by going on excursions.
Incursions and excursions extend the program and children’s learning beyond themselves, their educators and even beyond the 4 walls of the kindergarten. This sets the children’s imaginations alight as they experience their learnings in new and different ways and perspectives.
The activities selected reflect the interests of the children attending the kindergarten each year. In past years and looking ahead to the future, incursions and excursions have included/may include:
- Nature walks around our local bushy surrounds
- Visiting Anthony Beale Reserve Playground
- Edendale Farm sustainability and indigenous planting program
- Jack and Molly Interactive Show
- Rhythm Joe Drumming Workshops
- Henny Penny Hatching Program
- Activities on the sports oval close to the kinder
- Bunnings Gardening Program
- Responsible Pet Education Program
- Dentist visit
- Veterinarian visit
- Visits to local schools, including a visit from Holy Trinity for a music performance
- Leith Park Retirement Home to build connections with seniors from our community
- Librarian visits from Diamond Valley Library and story time at the library
- Dolly Parton Library
Parental consent must be given before any child is taken on an excursion outside the Kindergarten.
Each year, we invite parents to share their interests, skills, hobbies or profession with the children to enhance their experiences and learning. In the past we’ve had parents and grandparents share woodworking, cooking, gardening, cookie baking, and so much more.
Recently the children enjoyed a Passata Day. A family brought some sauce and equipment to kinder for the children to learn about the process of making Passata sauce. We also had a worm farm overhaul where a parent came to kinder to talk about worms and how to feed them, then we refreshed the worm farm and added more worms.